Show Us Your Stuff! ... because YOU ARE AMAZING

Don't worry, there won't be any buzzers in...

South Bosque's Got Talent

This will be a fun and simple competition that allow us to share great instructional strategies with each other!

ALL Staff are encouraged to participate but it is COMPLETELY voluntary. Everyone can participate: teachers, paraprofessionals, librarians, counselors, and administrators.

Each week a short video will be emailed out that explains the focus for the next week. The video will give a few examples , of instructional strategies, but if you know another way, please share it!!!

The focus will be the... 4 C's.

Then use the chosen "C" in your class by the next Thursday afternoon.

Tweet a picture using the hashtag: #sbetalent

Your name will go into a hat. The names in the drawing will be generated weekly and will not accumulate from week to week. You can jump in or take a break at any time:)

A winner will be announced at our Friday assembly each week.

The winner will get an hour lunch with a friend!!!


Yes, you read that right, you get to choose 1 friend, and we will cover your classes so that you get an hour lunch!

P.S. The Midway Education Foundation is working on prizes to offer alongside the hour lunch. The first one may or may not be valued at $49. Happy tweeting!!!

Now it's time to get busy doing what's best for our kids! Be looking for your first 4 C challenge...coming soon!


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