Inventions of the Industrial Revolution By: Payton souders, nick wade, jack macneel, and alexandra disney

Because of Britain's bountiful natural resources, enlightened minds in the British Isles had all the coal and iron they needed to experiment.

This is Henry Bessemer, the inventor of the Bessemer process, which was the first process that mass-produced steel by extracting impurities from iron. Without the Bessemer process, much of industrialization would have been impossible because so many machines and factory necessities utilized steel.
James Hargreaves was the English inventor of the spinning jenny, the first practical application of multiple spinning by a machine. After he began to sell the machines to help support his large family, hand spinners, fearing unemployment, broke into his house and destroyed a number of jennies.
In 1794, U.S.-born inventor Eli Whitney (1765-1825) patented the cotton gin, a machine that revolutionized the production of cotton by greatly speeding up the process of removing seeds from cotton fiber.
Thomas Telford- a Scottish engineer who designed many bridges, canals and roads in Britain. Among his best-known achievements are the Caledonian Canal in northern Scotland and the Menai Strait Bridge in north Wales. Many of his bridges are still in use.
James Brindley- 1716–72, British canal builder, who constructed (1759–61) the Bridgewater Canal, the first in England
Steam Engine


James Watt invented the steam engine in 1769. This made him quite a wealthy man, and many people ordered his new contraption. Used in the mines to drain water, Watt's invention was actually an upgraded version of Newcomen's Steam Engine, which he had discovered fault with years before.

George Stephenson

George Stephenson is known for inventing the steam locomotive in 1814, along with the first public railway in 1825. Stephenson also created The Rocket, known as the world's first modern train (steam locomotive) in 1829.


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