The Andes Mountains Patagonia

Climate in the Mountains of Patagonia

Average rainfall, 3.5 inches, 17 inches

Average temperature, 49.46, 33.73 (in Fahrenheit)

The seasons are mostly dry throughout each year.

Net Primary Productivity

The Patagonia mountain ranges' latitude is found in 31.4157° N, 110.7304° W. In comparison to other biome's, it is most similar to Temperate Grassland in the amount of rain and the cold winters. The mountains biome is very diverse because it covers a large amount of area and has different species living at different elevations across the biome.

Soil Quality

The formation of soil in the Patagonia Andes is very difficult because of the mostly constant wind and the actions of glaciers. In the northern region, soil is located on weathered rock at higher elevations. Soil with a reddish brown tint and gravel rocks are located in the lower zones; erosion is heavy here.

Invasive North American Beavers

They were purposely placed in Argentina and Chile, where the Patagonian Andes are located. The Argentine Navy imported 10 beavers from Canada in 1946, setting them free in Tierra Del Fuego (one of the regions of Patagonia). They were hoping that they would enrich the native fauna and the fur industry. Their population was protected from hunting for 35 years so they grew 5,000 times their initial population. They began to advance over the continent.

Huemul Deer

Their population is declining at a fast rate (Population in HIPPCO) because of overhunting rand loss of habitat due to conversion of lowland areas to agricultural production (Habitat destruction in HIPPCO). The deer are well adapted to the Patagonian rugged and forested mountainous terrain. They are top priority to save from extinction in the Patagonia wildlife.

Patagonian Puma

These mammals are successful in the Patagonian Andes because they inhabit steppe, forest, rocky and shrubby areas. Also, its main prey, Guanaco, inhabits the Tierra Del Fuego, making it easy for the puma to hunt.

Austral Pygmy Owl

These owls love to live in a dense forest and an open area with trees. They usually place their eggs of 3-5 in hollow trees or in rock crevices, which are located all over Patagonia mountains.

Liolaemus Lizard

These lizards are successful in the Andes mountains because they are made to inhabit low lands west and east of the mountain.

Chilean Fire Tree

inaccessibleinaccessibleinaccessibleThis plant grows in the temperate forest of Chile and Argentina. It has dense root mass, which allows it to obtain nutrients usually inaccessible.


This flower is in the legume family, and has been used as a food source in the Andean highlands for over 6000 years. It thrives in soil that is well-draining and slightly acidic.

Dwarf Paramela

The Dwarf Paramela needs to be in elevation at about 2,000-3,500 meters throughout Patagonia. It is also apart of the legume family and grows closely to the ground.

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