Italy By: Jimmy Wentzel And millie speck


As you know Italy is known for it's food. Some Italian foods are pizza, pasta, risotto, lasagna, gnocchi, olives, mozzarella, olive oil, basil, cannoli, tiramisu, gelato, panna cotta, and sfingi.

IB Schools

In Italy there are 35 Ib schools. Some include Ambrit International School and King Abdulaziz Saudi School in Rome. The Ib schools main languages are mostly English but they also speak Italian and French.

Architecture and Music

Here in Italy we have a lot of architecture. Some of the architecture it has includes the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Florence, and Roman Coliseum. If you compare Williamsburg's architecture to Italy's you would think that Italy has more of an older looking architecture than Williamsburg. We also have a lot of music including Non Illuderti, Luna Rossa, and Felicita.

The Italy National Anthem:


Most of the people in Italy are Christian. 93% of Italians speak Italian. In Italy the population is 61.6 million! They also have a tradition that the do on the Monday after Easter, they have a family picnic to celebrate springtime, they call this Pasquetta.

Fun fact, in the capital of Italy, Rome, the Vatican City is its own country. The Vatican City is a little country inside of Italy. The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.


It is warm in the summer, like Virginia. The hottest month is July. Also like Virginia, it is cold in the winter. The coldest month is January.


Some of the most famous art pieces in Italy include The Last Supper, Porta Del Paradiso, and Annunciation all By Leonardo De Vinci. We think that Italy's art is similar to America's art. They both use bright colors and teach you something.

The Last Supper.

Interesting Facts

The flag's colors represent virtues. The green represents hope, the white represents faith, and the red represents charity. Italy has been a country for 153 years. Up until 1999 children in Italy only had to go to school until they were 14.


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Created with images by LaertesCTB - "Flag - Italy" • yoppy - "DSC_1523" • Andy Hay - "Leaning Tower of Pisa" • Stizod - "Top of St. Peter's" • Waiting For The Word - "The Last Supper 32" • Moyan_Brenn - "Italy"

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