Covenant Keeping a Promise

Weekly Study Guide

In order to dive deeper into the message throughout the week below are 5 scripture passages to reflect upon in your own time.

Week 3 - Faithful Representatives

Monday - Psalm 84:1-4, 10 - Ask yourself: What is it about my church that makes it a dwelling place for God? Is my heart a dwelling place for God, and is it the only place God makes a home in me?

Tuesday: Hebrews 10:24-25 - Ask yourself: How does missing church impact the rest of my week? What is so valuable to me about being together with fellow believers?

Wednesday: 2 Timothy1: 8-14 -Ask yourself: How is my service through/for the church a response to what God has called me to do? When things get tough for me, how can I be reminded that God is with me?

Thursday: John 15:1-8 - Ask yourself: What kind of good fruit has God produced through me this week? How have I been a faithful representative of God’s Kingdom?

Friday: Exodus 12:21-28 - Reflect upon this promise God makes to his people through Moses: As crazy as this sort of act sounds, why did Moses trust God so much? Is there anything about the blood or doorposts that represents our relationship with Christ through the Church?

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