Why is Stranger Things so popular?

Lucas, Dustin, Mike, & Eleven

THE KIDS: The kids of Stranger Things have been an enormous help to the Stranger Things obsessions. They are not your typical kid Hollywood stars, which is a trait that is appealing to many.

THE MUSIC: Stranger Things is set in the 80s, so all the music comes from that era, which makes it even more appealing to that generation of people. It is definitely nostalgic. Viewers love that. People have also been loving the spooky theme music.

HUMOR & HORROR: In my opinion, the mix of funny and scary is the best mix. People love how its filled with monsters, laughs, and a little bit of romance!

WINONA RYDER: Winona Ryder is such a classic 80s actress... Now shes staring in one of the best TV series set in the 80s in a long time. Another reason as to why Stranger Things is so appealing to the people who lived through the 80s.

OVERALL: Stranger Things was not what people were expecting. I think that is something that really helped the popularity of the show. The number one thing that I think made it so popular was the nostalgic feel. It was a huge hit for the people who grew up in the 80s and obviously more. I think even kids of this generation can feel nostalgic while watching, I know I definitely did.

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