What does technology look like in HT? From switches to seesaw to infinity and beyond

Such a broad term in today's world - TECHNOLOGY. What is it? We take for granted all of the technology in our classrooms. Our teachers enjoy a rich array of available technology in their classrooms.

Ooo, Ahh - so many pretty lights and wires!

Behind the scenes in a rich, radioactive office sits the heart and soul of our networks. What is it and what does it do?

What we support - 24/7/365

In total, we support over 4,000 pieces of technology. There are five of us who spend our days (mostly) and nights (occasionally) making the district run. The expectation is 100% uptime. We work very hard to make that a reality.

If i never run another wire, it will be too soon


Created with images by magicatwork - "Social Media" • TeroVesalainen - "question mark hand drawn solution" • ElasticComputeFarm - "ethernet data internet"

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