Zoo building By Conan Zancola

Our task is to put forward a proposal for a zoo that we designed it will be located on the Gold Coast this will help educate the people in the area of the world and how it is changing. It will also raise awareness about problems facing animals and environments all over the world and how they can help stop them. Our proposal is aimed towards the city council.

We will be building a miniature version of our proposed zoo. Each group will build an exhibit for a certain environment or area they need to be interesting and help make the zoo better at educating people.

What is a zoo?

A zoo is a facility to protect and repopulate an animal species in the wild. Also raises awareness about dangers to animals like poaching or land clearing.

A good zoo

Zoos should let people get up close to animals so they get to know what we're trying to protect

A good zoo has an accurate environment that does not stress out the animals and educates people about the environment and ways to help. They also help repopulate wild populations of animals.

For example the San Diego Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world the animals there live without getting stressed by tiny enclosures and boring concrete walls. Animals here live to their full life expectancy

A bad zoo

A bad zoo doesn't take the animals needs over profit. The animals quality of life is stressful and short and often ends painfully. These types of zoos don't see their animals as living creatures but profit generators. They often spend very little on the animals food or welfare

An example of a bad zoo would be the Mumbai zoo it doesn't help its animals and doesn't care when they die instead taxidermising them then putting them on display for the public. Here an animals life expectancy is very low. By doing this they encourage poaching.

Our Zoo

The pentagon will be our enclosures put together to make the the terra loop. There will be a railway traveling through the encolsures the carriage will be about 1.5m of the ground letting animals pass underneath. Each pod or carriage will be a glass dome that hangs from a elavated rail so that you feel like your sourounded by nature.

Terra loop area, rail will pass through there will be a main stop to hop on and of the pod

The ven diagram compares the San Diego zoo(good example) to the Kiev zoo(bad example) this lets us see wich things not to implement into our zoo if we want it to be a good zoo and not be frowned upon by international animal welfare organisation and animal activists.

The strengths and weaknesses of our zoo. This chart lets us see what we need to improve to make our zoo safe and enjoyable in a safe balance.

Our zoo is designed to allow the animals contained within to not feel stressed and to be able to live as if they were in the wild. In our zoo they will be protected from poachers and changing climates. All animals will be part of breeding programs to help wild poulations stabilise.

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