Geothermal Energy By, Bray

You can find geothermal power plants near volcanic areas like California, Iceland.

We obtain this energy by drilling a hole down to magma then pouring water into it, which makes steam. Which then the steam goes through generators which makes power/energy.

The different types geothermal power plants are "flash" when hot water explosively boils or flashes.

"Dry steam" it uses a rock catcher that catches the rocks the steam brings up with it.

"Binary" are the main power plants which transfer heat and energy into power. "Hybrid" which combines Bineryand flash to make to use steam and water.

They do little damage to the environment, they also are sitting on an unlimited energy source.

The cost about 7 cents per KWh. The most frequent user is Iceland. You also have to be in a volcanic area to use this technology.

You can have a mini power plant at your house that uses heat pumps, it can save you up to 20,000$ per lifetime.



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