Classroom Management Plan Alyssa schultz educ4200

My classroom management plan will be related to the positive discipline model and PBIS. The reason I would like to use positive discipline model is because students learn through observing. This would also include observing behaviors from an adult. I would also incorporate PBIS because, in Missouri, there are multiple schools that are using the PBIS

Positive Discipline Model

The way I would implement this model is by showing the students the behavior I would like the students to do. I would also review the expectations I have for the students throughout the year. I would have limited classroom furniture that would separate the students and me. For example, I would stand behind a podium very little amount of time when teaching. I would also have my students in assigned seats so there would be less disruptions from students talking to each other, while I am teaching.


I would use some of the PBIS in my classroom. When I see behavior that I demonstrated to the students then I would rewoard those students. I will have a form of a "safe seat" for the students to have a chance to think about their behavior and giving them a chance to calm down. After they calmed down I would have a conference, with that student, about their behavior.

Even though I have combined two different classroom management plans I beleive they will benefit students in a positive way. I can see the students observing my expectations and implementing those expectations while they are in my classroom. I can also see rewoard students for behaviors that were demonstrated in the classroom.

Created By
Alyssa Schultz

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