George Whitefield Presented: Grayson Collins

George Whitefield was born on December 16, 1714 in Gloucester, United Kingdom.
George Whitefield was a poor child and had a hard time going to school because of cost.
He attended college at Oxford University, funded by his uncle because his family could not afford it.
George Whitefield was influenced to become a missionary by the Methodists he was friends with.
George Whitefield married Elizabeth James, and became a American cleric. He died on September, 30 1770, in Newburyport Massachusetts.
He went to the colony of Georgia and preached the gospel. Later he returned to London to continue his empowered speaking. After preaching in London he went back to the colonies to preach in Philadelphia. He finally went up and down the colonies proclaiming the gospel.
He became famous for attracting huge crowds and igniting the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening was a spiritual revolution that swept through the colonies.
George Whitefield was honored by famous poets Charles Wesley, William Cowper, and John Greenfield Whiter. There is also a statue of him on Pennsylvania's campus.
George Whitefield once said "Take care of your life and the Lord will take care of your death" He is also known for loving the whole Bible, not just one verse in particular.
George Whitefield has many interesting facts about him, such as that he was almost stoned to death. He was also known for vomiting blood after a sermon because of the passion that he spoke with.
Randall. Rebecca, Ted Olsen. Jerry Root, Brett McCracken, Hannah Anderson, Interviewed by Melisa Binder, Rachel Piah Jones, Ed Stetzer, Karl Vaters, and Interviewed by Drew Dyck. "George Whitefield: Did You Know", N.p, N.d. WEB. 23 Apr. 2017. Randall. Rebecca, Ted Olsen. Jerry Root, Brett McCracken, Hannah Anderson, Interviewed by Melisa Binder, Rachel Piah Jones, Ed Stetzer, Karl Vaters, and Interviewed by Drew Dyck. "George Whitefield", N.p, N.d. WEB. 23 Apr. 2017.


Created with images by Keith Seabridge - "York Methodists meeting place" • Fæ - "Dr. Squintum's exaltation or the reformation LCCN93509794" • bazzadarambler - "Gloucester ... George Whitefield"

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