Lebron James Created by: Jaxon young

Lebron James is a really good basketball player he plays in the NBA on side of that he has important characteristics. Like he is confident, Lebron James is confident because he has to play 82 games in the Nba and he has to be confident in himself on trying to win those games . Also Lebron James is rich, he is rich because he makes a lot of money playing in the NBA and he is in a lot of commercials. Lastly Lebron James is talented. He is talented because he can dunk a basketball and he is really good at basketball.

Lebron James has done a lot of different contributes. Like he has done a lot of charities like After School All-Stars Boys & Girls Clubs of America Children's Defense Fund. Also Lebron James was in articles like, sports illustrated. Lastly Lebron spent $2.5 million to the national Museum of African American History and Cultures Muhammad Ali. And that was a big contributes Lebron James did.

Lebron James is a famous basketball player. He is famous because when he was a senior in high school he was eligible for the NBA League. Also he is famous because he is on TV cermericals like. Sprite Mcdonalds and many more. Lastly he is famous because he is one of the best NBA basketball players in the world.

The experiences that Lebron James Important are. Lebron James plays in the NBA and that is a experiences that Lebron James won't forget. Also Lebron James has a nickname - King James, that is a reason why Lebron James is popular to. Lastly Lebron James, has four most value player awards which is crazy.

Things that admire me about Lebron James is. Lebron James plays basketball so he admire me to play basketball because it look like a fun thing to do. Also Lebron James is nice. He is nice because he has hold fundraiser for kids and he has gave kids scholarships to go to college. Lastly he is helpful he is helpful because he lead his team to the NBA finals and they won the championship.


Created with images by BasketStreaming - "Lebron James si mette a dieta in vista del ritorno a Cleveland" • jurvetson - "LeBron James"

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