
Knightly News 10/11/2020 Edition

This week we welcome back to Smith our 6th graders ONLY.

Monday and Tuesday 6th grade A-K

Wednesday All Students Virtual, no in-person schooling

Thursday and Friday 6th grade L-Z

Full Schedule for the day of 10/12-10/16

For information on the Smith schedule and much, much, more please read through Parts 1-5 of our parent student handbook

Frequently Needed Links Below

Adult Education Programming

IPad Insurance

As soon as the district is able to get every student and iPad and distribution is over, we will be rolling out the plan to purchase IPad insuring in the coming weeks.

Middle School Sports

At this time there is no plan to start our fall sports program at Smith. All Secondary Principals are working with our Troy District Athletic Director for guidance as to how and when we can begin sports programs.

Media Center Announcement

Does your child need books to read from the Smith Media Center? Please place holds by 3 pm on Tuesday for pickup on Thursday, October 8, from 9 am-5 pm outside of the school. For more information and instructions on how to place holds, see Mrs. Chatel’s newsletter: https://sway.office.com/knPoSzmlEc478a5C?ref=Link

Email Mrs. Chatel at cchatel@troy.k12.mi.us if you have any questions.

Technology and iPad Support

*****UPDATED Monthly Calendars

The following calendars are updated with a few minor changes. Please make sure to follow these A/B day calendars

After-School Clubs

After school clubs that may meet online may continue as we start the year virtually. There will be future communications inviting students to join clubs they may be interested in!

Smith Twitter - Follow us!!!

Feel free to follow the great things happening at Smith Middle School on Twitter.


We will share weekly notes for coming weeks closer to our return to school