
美国能源、金融和经济机构举措对中共全面出击 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:The Committee on the Present Danger: China《当前危险委员会:中国》;发布时间:August 11, 2020 / 2020年8月11日

翻译/简评:Beicy-数学老师;校对:leftgun;审核:海阔天空 ;Page:拱卒


虽然白宫为打击CCP已经接连发布制裁中共企业和官员的措施, 但是“当前危险委员会:中国” 似乎并不满意, 在这份文件中建议川普政府“必须” 采取 “更全面的行动”。例如:

  • 关闭中共国的“ A股”市场 (郭文贵先生: 拿掉A股市场的赶面杖子)
  • 注销被美国制裁的在美中共国公司 (郭文贵先生: 隔空取钱)
  • 清除中共国供应链(郭文贵先生: 彻底脱勾)

以上要点都在 “当委会”本周一发布的这份立场文件中。

以打败邪恶中国共产党为目标的“当前危险委员会:中国” , 成立于2019年3月, 其使命是“通过公众教育和倡导来防御美国所面临的各种常规和非常规危险,以帮助捍卫美国”。当委会认为“与过去的苏联一样,共产主义中国对美国和自由思想构成了生存和意识形态上的威胁” (引自当委会网站, https://presentdangerchina.org/about-us/)。


Committee Publishes Roadmap for U.S. Energy, Financial and Economic Security with Recommendations That Would Put America First


Committee on the Present Danger: China Position Paper Intended to Help Defeat the Chinese Communist Party


For Immediate Release | August 11, 2020

立即发布| 2020年8月11日

WASHINGTON, D.C.— The Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC), an authoritative advocate for a robust whole-of-American-society response to the Chinese Communist Party’s “unrestricted warfare” against this country, has just issued the first of a series of short “position papers” aimed at advancing and mobilizing support for that cause. Titled as “U.S. Energy, Financial, and Economic (EFE) Challenges and Opportunities”, this paper offers a clear-eyed assessment of our present situation vis a vis the CCP and its determined and multifaceted efforts to take down the United States. It also offers recommendations with respect to American policy and programs in the three subject areas.

华盛顿特区— 当前危险委员会:中国(CPDC),是全美社会对中国共产党针对美国的“超限战”作出有力反应的权威倡导者,它刚发表了首轮一系列简短的“立场文件”,旨在推进和动员对此事业的支持。标题为“美国能源,金融和经济(EFE)的挑战和机遇” 一文,对中共决心要打倒美国并为此而作出的多种行动,提供了清晰的评估。它还就美国在三个主题领域中的政策和计划,提供了建议。

Highlights of the CPDC’s EFE Position Paper include the following:


  • Energy is the ultimate resource and America’s bountiful access to low-cost energy can translate into the world’s most powerful driver of enhanced economic growth. It is the single tool that will allow today’s crisis environment to be dramatically and swiftly reset.


Thanks to the United States’ enviable status as the world’s largest producer (by a significant margin) of natural gas, it is uniquely positioned to seize this opportunity to accelerate the production and export of massive quantities of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). Using innovative U.S. technology and systems, our economy can be quickly rebooted by turning such gas sales into highly affordable national-scale power and immense quantities of potable water for countries that could otherwise struggle for decades to overcome the current challenge.

得益于美国作为全球最大的(与其他对手有重大距离)天然气生产国的令人羡慕的地位,它处于能抓住这一机遇来加快大量液化天然气(LNG)的生产和出口的独特地位。使用美国的创新技术和系统,通过将这样的天然气销售转变成负担得起的国家规模的电力,以及为用数十年都可能难以克服当前挑战的国家提供大量的饮用水,可以迅速地重新启动我们的经济 。

Among the recommended actions are:


  • Deployment of American-made, jetty-less Offshore and Nearshore LNG gasification and regasification, power and state-of-the-art desalination systems.


  • Swiftly expand small-scale, secure, environmentally friendly and highly cost-effective S. hydropower projects utilizing revolutionary American pipeline technology.


  • Rapidly and inexpensively stand-up of a hydrogen-based economy that will usher in an era of emissions-free transportation and countless new technology jobs. And,


  • Address serious energy supply and security gaps (including: electromagnetic pulse protection for the electric grid; securing power sources against violent insurrection – e.g., with small modular nuclear reactors, secured oil and gas production and onshoring

解决严重的能源供应和安全漏洞(包括:电网的电磁脉冲保护;确保电源不遭受暴力的破坏---- 例如小型模块化核反应堆,安全的油气生产和在岸生产)

  • Finance: CCP companies – including some involved in China’s: military build-up and weapons proliferation; Orwellian “surveillance state” infrastructure; repression of religious minorities; and illegal island/bastion-building in the South China Sea – have in recent years garnered some $3 trillion from U.S. capital markets. These firms do not comply with federal securities laws and SEC disclosure requirements. A number of them have actually been sanctioned by the U.S. government on national security or human rights grounds. Others are financially unsound and have other undisclosed material risks.

金融:中共公司- --- 包括一些涉及中共国的:军事集结和武器扩散;奥威尔式的“监视状态”基础架构;镇压宗教少数群体;以及南海的非法岛屿/堡垒建设---- 近年来从美国资本市场获得了约3万亿美元的资金。这些公司不遵守联邦证券法和美国证券交易委员会(SEC) 的披露要求。实际上,其中有许多已经由美国政府基于国家安全或人权理由予以制裁。另外还有公司财务状况不佳并有其他未披露的重大风险。

The Trump administration has lately taken important steps to protect investors and the national security and humanitarian interests of the United States. These initial actions however must be complemented by more comprehensive ones if we are to stop underwriting our enemy and enabling the myriad threats currently posed by the CCP to metastasize further:


  • Close-off the Chinese “A shares” market which is, arguably, the most egregious regulatory loophole in the world today;

关闭中共国的“ A股”市场,可以说这是当今世界上最严重的监管漏洞;

  • De-register U.S.-sanctioned Chinese companies


  • Impose discipline on private pension funds to ensure that non-transparent Chinese companies’ equities are not held in portfolio


  • Require the SEC to regard corporate national security and human rights abuses as “material risks”


  • Prohibit the inclusion of Chinese sovereign bonds in U.S. investors’ portfolios


  • Economics: Decisive leadership is needed to implement a coherent, focused strategy to: grow our economy; protect our intellectual property, data and secrets; return vital manufacturing back to the United States; and reduce our exposure to CCP economic warfare. Such a strategy would involve:


  • Promulgate a technology innovation initiative aimed at using and growing U.S.-owned companies in the fields of artificial intelligence, 5G and manufacturing

颁布一项技术创新计划, 旨在利用和发展在人工智能、5G和制造领域的美国持有的公司

  • Identify and weeding out Chinese supply chains that it is ill-advised and potentially mortally perilous to rely upon (e.g., medicines, silicon chips, rare earth minerals, mother boards, flat screen displays and military components)


  • Incentivize American manufacturers of strategically vital materials to onshore operations to the United States


  • Encourage patriotic investing


  • Promote the purchase of non-China sourced products


  • Intensify scrutiny of Chinese investments in the United States especially in strategic technologies, real estate and data sources.


The Committee on the Present Danger: China encourages executive branch officials, Members of Congress and their staff, the media and the public at large to view this Position Paper and those that will be issued in the coming days as prescriptions for a secure future for this country, its people and those of the Free World more generally.

“当前危险委员会:中国”:鼓励行政部门官员,国会议员及其工作人员,媒体和广大公众来阅读本立场文件以及将在未来几天发布的立场文件 ---- 作为为这个国家、其人民和自由世界的人民建立安全未来的处方。

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】