Halogens Group vii elements

Halogen Elements(Group 7)
Second column from the right.
They are diatomic molecules.
  1. - Chlorine (Cl) - A pale yellow gas.
  2. - Bromine (Br) - A red - brown liquid.
  3. - Iodine (I) - A dark-purple crystal. When heated it sublimates into a purple vapor.
What the elements look like.

As you move down the periodic table , halogens are more dense.

  1. Chlorine - 3.214 g/l
  2. Bromine - 3.12 g/cm3
  3. Iodine - 4.94 g/cm3
How do they react with other halide ions ?

When a halogen is added into a halide ion solution , the more reactive halogen will displace the less reactive halogen. For example, Adding bromine(liquid) to a sodium iodide solution, the bromine will displace the iodide because it's more reactive.

Examples of some displacement reactions.
Created with images by rrrtem - "Elemental"

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