Fault In Our Stars John Green

Date of Publication: January 10, 2012

John Michael Green was born on August 24, 1977, in Indianapolis. He received his early education from Lake Highland Preparatory School and Indian Springs School. His experience of school was similar to other social outcasts who get bullied by mean people. He earned double graduation degrees in English and Religious Studies from Kenyon College. He worked as a student chaplain after graduation in a children’s hospital. His initial aim was to become an Episcopal priest. However, the time he spent among children with illnesses stimulated him to become a writer. Afterwards, he worked as a publishing assistant for Booklist, a book review journal.

The setting of the book is in Indianapolis.

Hazel: 16-year-old girl that was diagnosed at age thirteen with a bad form of thyroid cancer that has since spread to her lungs. She keeps most people at a distance, knowing her death will ultimately hurt them, until she falls in love with Augustus.

Gus: 16-year-old with osteosarcoma who becomes Hazel's boyfriend. Augustus was a romantic and very nice man. Augustus almost immediately falls in love with Hazel after meeting her at Support Group.


Hazel Grace Lancaster is a cancer patient and goes to support group at her mother’s behest. Because of her cancer, she uses a portable oxygen tank to breathe properly. She meet Augustus Waters. He's there to support their mutual friend, Isaac. Isaac had a tumor in one eye that he had removed and now he has to have his other eye taken out as well. He invites Hazel to his house to watch the movie, and while hanging out, the two discuss their experiences with cancer. Hazel reveals she has thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. Augustus had osteosarcoma, but he is now cancer free after having his leg amputated. Before Augustus takes Hazel home, they agree to read one another’s favorite novels. He shares Van Houten's letter with Hazel. Van Houten eventually replies, saying he could only answer Hazel’s questions in person. He invites her to stop by if she is ever in Amsterdam. Van Houten finally answered and Hazel really needed to go to Amsterdam. Her parents and her team of doctors don’t think Hazel is strong enough to travel.The plans are made for Augustus, Hazel, and Hazel's mother to go to Amsterdam, but when Hazel and Augustus meet Van Houten they find that, instead of a prolific genius, he is a mean-spirited drunk who claims he cannot answer any of Hazel’s questions. The following day, Augustus confesses that while Hazel was in the ICU he had a body scan which revealed his cancer has returned and spread everywhere.Eventually Hazel learns that Augustus sent the pages to Van Houten because he wanted Van Houten to use the pages to compose a well-written eulogy about Hazel.

John Green is a good writer. This was one of my favorite books written by him I have read this book 3 times and watched the movie countless of times i'm in love with the way this story is told.

The theme of the book is about 2 ,16 year old dying of cancer and suffering is there biggest fear.

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