Buzzfeed: Reading What They Want You to Read Alicia DeLosSantos

News are books that are missing a few pages. Most news articles tend to leave out some of the truth to grab the audience and toy with their sympathetic strings. Those who read BuzzFeed fall victim to these crimes. BuzzFeed will write about what the nation is going through and what they want to read, truth or not.

There are several articles that are perfect examples of this. For instance, a new article posted two weeks ago about a two Muslim women mentioned how they believed violence against women is sometimes okay. This made the whole nation erupt with anger and BuzzFeed saw its opportunity. However, the author did not seem to mention how this is what they believed. Instead they pried on how women and children and violence should never mix. In the early ages no one really cared that a family was being beaten, in the video they pull text from the Koran about Allah’s teaching. This a belief that these women grew up with. BuzzFeed knows that within America, civil rights is a major discussion across the nation and one wrong move is against someone’s rights. Obviously they would attack on what they believe to be wrong to play on america’s heartstrings to receive more views. Many of the audience ignore the part that women mention that violence is never the first action. In disobedience to the husband they must “advise them; leave them alone in bed; then hit”. This is showing that hitting is a last resort is the wife continues to disrespect the husband, which in the Muslim religion is taboo. Most of the readers of this article tend to skip over that small yet important fact due to the way Buzzfeed wrote the article. Within the article there are big bolded words then normal text, and this repeats itself throughout all of BuzzFeed articles. This grabs the audience’s attention, having them focus more on to the words that they want to focus on instead of the whole article. This is like giving a speech and having the speaker whisper the whole speech and scream the parts they would like you to remember.

This isn’t the only BuzzFeed has made the audience read articles they want. They use whatever they can too get the audience to believe what they believe. They use headliners, pictures, style, and sources. In their article “These Are The People Trump Wants To Pay For His Wall”, they use pictures of the Latin heritage to receive sympathy from their audience, the purpose is to give you the perspective of those of Latin heritage thoughts of President Donald Trump’s plans for the United States. However, there is a secret purpose to this article, the hidden message. Most of the United States is partly against our newfound president. There are many who are strongly against him, many who are strongly for him, and a few who are on the edge of how they feel about him. BuzzFeed published this article to reinforce those who despise him and attempt to convince others to despise him as well. In other words are you deciding who you hate or not on your own? Or are you letting BuzzFeed push you closer to what they want you to do?

BuzzFeed is not just an innocent website that gives you fun quizzes and news. It’s a website that will use everything they have to make you feel what they want you to feel, believe what they want you believe, and think what they want you to think. This definitely isn’t an innocent website. Read everything and find out the news for yourself instead of being told of part of the news, and try not to fall victim to websites and news articles, such as BuzzFeed.


Zabludovsky, Karla. "These Are The People Trump Wants To Pay For His Wall." BuzzFeed. N.p., 18 Apr. 2017. Web. 01 May 2017.

Rushton, Gina. "People Are Livid About This Video That Says Violence Against Women Is Sometimes OK." BuzzFeed. N.p., 12 Apr. 2017. Web. 01 May 2017.

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