The Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Classroom Community A GAUGE for Community Building

To proclaim to students the importance of community while ignoring it with our teaching is careless at best, hypocritical and destructive at worst (Doubets & Hockett, 2015)

While perusing a TpT blog entitled "Positive Classroom Community: Create and Sustain" and an Edutopia article entitled, "Creating and Emotionally Healthy Classroom Environment" (Phillips, Seifert, 2014) I was amazed by the numerous ideas and criteria that make up a healthy classroom community. So to fully take them in to consider and reflect, one could set up a list of common criteria that constitutes a healthy classroom community. (grid below) Further, rather than these criteria being either/or, has/has not it seems that the criteria really exist as a kind of continuum. And, once reflected upon they could give a could give a "how healthy are we?" snapshot that could be introduced and revisited

After a little tweaking, each student or student group could decide on a numeric value of each criterion, 1 to 10 (1 being best, 10 being worst)

The numbers could then be averaged and the slide bar of each criterion adjusted to reflect the students' views.

Discussion ensues! Low numbers? What's working? High numbers? What do we need to do to correct?

And so that's my reflection upon seeing and hearing so many criteria for what makes a healthy or unhealthy classroom community. How healthy ware we? Lets review and find out!!


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