Child Labor Victorias Secret

What's your plan?

My plan is to post a video showing what Child Labor is and how to help stop it. SPREADING THE WORD can make a big diffrence virtually or physically. I also will donate to charities supporting the cause such as the Global Movement for Children. This group has a facility in africa which is close to my company's main factory.

How doEs Victoria's SECRET use child labor?

Victoria's Secret uses child labor for their cotton, textile work, and garment making work. Their main factory for cotton lies in Burkina Faso here children pick cotton, they become exposed to chemicals and burning hot sun. This can lead to disease and death. In India children do textile work, and in Sri Lanka children finish off the garment.


In conclusion by spreading the word. Being educated about a topic and fighting for a united opinion. We can reduce child labor and find the right in human rights.


Created with images by - "San Agustín" • Children's Bureau Centennial - "LC-DIG-nclc-00596Cotton" • - "San Agustín" • ArmyAmber - "girl afghani person alone" • Trocaire - "nicaragua 3 GHR 19"

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