Kangaroo Nate Cashmore

  • A kangaroo is a Australian native marsupial
  • The Kangaroo lives in Australia's forests, woodland areas, grassy plains, and savanna's
  • Early kangaroos's did not hop like modern kangaroos do today. They walked on their two feet.

Molecular evidence

  • Kangaroos are Macropods which means that they have close relation to other kangaroos and wallabies.
  • Both the kangaroo and the wallaby have the same body shape, the kangaroo is just much larger.
  • Both the kangaroo and the wallaby have long pointed snouts and ears.
  • Both the kangaroo and the wallaby have lone flat feet with paws at the end.
  • Both the kangaroo and the wallaby are covered in fur.
  • Both the Kangaroo and wallaby have arms, but the kangaroos are much larger.
  • The Kangaroo is like the wallabies much larger older brother.

Kangaroos used to be bipedal and walked on their two legs instead of hopping everywhere.

The Quokka and the kangaroo rat both have the same body type as the kangaroo but have different functions.

  • The Quokka and Kangaroo rat both have long flat feet like the kangaroo
  • The Quokka and kangaroo both have the hunchback posture of a kangaroo
  • The Quokka and kangaroo both have a tail.

The kangaroo has no vestigial structures.

  • This ancestor walk on its legs instead of hopping like a modern kangaroo
  • This Kangaroo most likey had different feet bones because the kangaroo walked

Kangaroo embryos start out the same as any other and then develop into the kangaroo showing a common ancestor.

Created By
Nathan Cashmore


Created with images by MemoryCatcher - "kangaroo expression cute"

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