my lost chapter Matthew Chilton

What did it mean to be an American in the early 1800's?

In my visit to the United States of America, I found that America is very forthcoming. They have developed their own arts, music, literature, and their own politics. Due to America's recent election it has brought forward lots of pride in their country. Their new president, Andrew Jackson, came up as a the hero of the battle of New Orleans, because of this it made lots of people come out to call themselves Americans not whatever their state is.

Andrew Jackson's Statue of the Battle of New Orleans

American Music

American Folk Music

Some of the US's national identity was shown in their music. When I visited Mr. Mason Jefferies's house he had on folk music, I found it very pleasing and compelling to listen to. Also while I was there I had the joy of going to a square dancing gathering. Very nice and easy to enjoy. The song "Jump Jim Crow had a nice tone and showed a lot of national pride.

American Art

The Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge

In the US they brought a lot of European art with them, said Mr. Richard. Now the United States of America had a lot of their own art styles and traditions. One of their art styles is called folk art, very amusing, simple and direct. Also like all over the world trained artists painted portraits. They captured personalities and emotions of their objects. I even had the privilege of observing the making of the portrait of the President! Also in America they have very famous painters.


American Poetry

While I was in the United States of America, I had the honor of reading some great literature. The American people are very loud and willing to express their words and feelings. I got to read James Cooper's The Pioneers and The Last of the Mohicans. It was very adventurous and lively! Davy Crockett should have not been elected into congress! He has no education, can only read with difficulty, as no property and no fixed residence.

American Politics

James Monroe

In the United States they were a large sense of nationalism over their politics. Mr. Henry Clay had very exciting ideas. His American System ideas were front-thinking and exciting. His idea of a new national bank was genius and it was adopted in 1816. Mr. John Marshall was genius in making the supreme court a key factor in the US government. I thought that America has the potential to be like us, France.


In conclusion, the United States of America are a developing nation. They are Developing their own politics, art, literature, and music. As their new president Andrew Jackson arises into becoming the peoples president, they will progress into a flourishing nation one day. There central government is strong in having lots of checks and balances, there music is joyful and easy to listen too. There art and literature are Stunning and Beautiful. The United States of America was a pleasure to live and experience for 1 year.

Works Cited Page

Bower, Bert. History Alive!: The United States Through Industrialism. Palto Alto, CA: Teacher's Curriculum Institute, 2009. Print.

"The Era of Good Feelings and the Two-Party System." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2017.


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