About me Kyle Firman

My family consists of myself, my 19 year old sister, and my father and mother. I'm quite the mix of ethnicities, being Irish, Japanese, Lithuanian, Swedish, and other European ethnicities that I don't even know o

My hobbies include playing chess, soccer, and photography.
I am certified in Microsoft Word/Word Expert, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. Last year I won state championship in Word and this year I won in PowerPoint. I use Premiere Pro CC and Photoshop CC at home, but i'm not certified in them.

My goal is to complete high school with the best possible grades and to go on to either an ivy league school or NC State. I would like to get a career in the computer field, and i'm open to learning anything right now.

About me: I'm someone who wants to be good at everything I do, which is a double-edged sword. I will improve at anything I enjoy to do, but I will most likely never excel at one thing and/or get to the point that I want to with most things I do. For example, I would love to be able to do some of the art that I see these incredible artists do, but I might not ever be able to because I also dedicate my time to playing games, school, sports, spending time with friends, and other hobbies like chess.

Somewhere I would love to go to would be Kauai, Hawaii. According to many it is the most beautiful island and untouched by man in many places. I would love to bring a camera with me as well.

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