Ella W My story

one of my favourite days in the world was when i jumped in the car after school and my mum brought out the cutest little thing ever. His name was fletcher a 8 month old beagle.

going on road trips is one of my favourite things to do on the holiday.last year in the december holidays we took my granny and grandpa to the grate ocean rodefor the first time.

one of my great passions is athletics.This is the day in johannesburg when me and my brother adam went to regionals.We both did very well.

this was one of my favourite days. We took my granny and grandpa to a zoo very far away. Me and my family each got our own photo with the koala blue.

on christmas morning ensted on my mum waking me up my own very cute little randeeir came and jumped on my bed and started barking.

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