Going through the Adobe website I found it very easy to navigate my way around on both platforms, the menu bar gets reduced to just icons to save up space as well as it being reduced to 1 column.

Scotrail have a very detailed website as there is a lot of functions and customisable options, the menu bar is reduced drastically to just 3 on the main page with a hamburger drop down menu displaying the rest. Everything is reduced to 1 column as well as different pictures to fit the screen resolutions.

Again the Razer website is reduced to 1 column from it's original 3 as well as just the logo is displayed along side a search icon and a hamburger drop down menu. The text is kept at the same aspect ratio as if it where on a desktop/laptop browser.

IMDB reduce the size drastically by getting rid of the ads and displaying them as pop-ups on the mobile as well as displaying the logo, hamburger drop down menu and a search bar, getting rid of all links and extra drop down menus.

The Corsair website is a very visually appealing one with a very slick and modern design. On the browser it displays 4 products with selective arrows and reduces it to 1 with selective arrows. Also reducing the text from 1 line to 2.

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