The Boy Who Learned a Lesson By: reese brock

There once was a boy who was in a candy shop, and unfortunately his mother was not watching him.

There was a box of Gobstoppers right in front of him.

They sure looked delicious he thought. So, he opened the box and started to eat them, the lady behind the desk caught with the corner of her eye him just munching on the Gobstoppers.


The boy ran up to his mother screaming "Mom look at this delicious candy!!!" She replied yelling "No son you can not eat that!" , but before she could speak one more word the lady at the store came around the corner with an very angry look on her face yelling "I hope that you will pay for this and teach your boy to keep his hands off other peoples stuff!"

So he and his mother went and walked down the street and the mother said to him "I forgive you for doing that, and I forgive you for what has happened, did you learn your lesson?" Then the boy replied "Yes mother I am sorry."


Created with images by rumpleteaser - "Kid in a Candy Store" • merfam - "Candy" • mdanys - "scream and shout"

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