Method Acting

Method Acting is a technique of acting in which an actor aspires to complete emotional identification with a part, based on the system evolved by Stanislavsky and brought into prominence in the US in the 1930s. Method acting was developed in institutions such as the Actors' Studio in New York City, notably by Elia Kazan and Lee Strasberg, and is particularly associated with actors such as Marlon Brando and Dustin Hoffman.

Method Acting is based off of Konstantin Stanislavski's "system" of actor training, preparation, and rehearsal technique.

Three teachers are associated with its success, Lee Strasberg, Ella Adler, and Sanford Meisner.

Many Actors use the Method Acting technique

Those Actors include; Heath Ledger, Robert Di Nero, Dustin Hoffman, Anne Hathaway, Christian Bale, and Halle Berry.

Pros and Cons of Acting The pros of method acting include very realistic performances that are based off of actual life experiences. The cons to method acting include potential mental and or physical harm from engaging in dangerous behaviour and unreliable performances.

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