Advertising Adam Tomes

Sell and Spin : A history of advertising

The point of advertising is to sell, Grabbing attention + selling product. Its a way of getting people to buy the product. Each day the average person sees 3000 ads every day, Manufactures spent 450 us world wide to advertise there product. They create illusions. Leo barbett created persinalites as products, eg tony the tiger. This was the beginning of branding. To much advertising is not what you want to do,


Media Saturation - When we are bombarded with adverts.... 3000 a day according to the documentary that was over 20 years ago

Branding - What a product represents (life style, personality, identity, values, qualities and looks

Objectification - The seeing and or treating a person, usually a woman, as an object. In the representation of woman.

Gender Roles - For woman roles are often limited to housewife or sex object. For men, roles are often represented as the breadwinner and being served by woman.

Dismemberment - Cropping and fragmentation of the female body in media images which encourages objections often this is the legs of parts of torso.

Female Representation - What are the links with woman

Male Represent

Metrosexual - A neologism (a made up word) to represent a changing economic trend in male shopping and representation dating from the 80s. However, as seen in the Nick Kamen ad, the use of the male body in advertising was not new.

Spornosexual, noun 2014 A neologism (a made up word with sport + porn + metrosexual). The metrosexual has passed and is evolving

A lumbersexual or urban lumberjack is a man who has adopted style traits typical of a traditional lumberjack, namely a beard, plaid shirt, and scruffy hair, substituting otherwise clean-cut and fashionable style choices.

What are these advertising - They are advertising Cigarets and Chocolate.

What claims are being made for the product - They are saying that these products make you heathy slim and feel good, when actually they do the opposite.

What image are they portraying - They are happy with products that can ruin your life

Could companies make the same claims today - No advertising are alot more stricter and people wont allow these advertisments to be opend

1) Women who dont want to be treated like a product not a human.

2) Tobacco has to have a strict advert because its a hard area and a award thing to think about

3) They could be offensive, if they were rasist or sexist

10 rules - 1) Not rasist. 2) No nudity 3) No sexaul positions 4) Not relating to an item 5) Not being sexual 6) No photoshop 7)

Why was the film banned - Scary, use of alcohol, people my have thought it was wierd for 2 girls at that age to do what they did

1. 1. 5525 Complaints 2. death of woman and disable people. 3. Upheld 4

2. 1. 1768 complaints. 2. bad languedge 3. not upheld

3. 1711 complaints 2.


1. To spotlight the portrayal of women in the media as objects and the correlation between this and: a) body image and self-esteem issues for women and girls; b) violence and harrassment against women, and c) a lack of ambition to aspire to leadership roles on the part of women

To advocate a greater sensitivity and responsibility by the media, entertainment and advertising industries and a culture that celebrates diversity and the positive portrayal of women in the media

To champion a greater share of voice for women in the media

To recognise the role of individuals as content creators and distributors and their power to use social media to call out content that continues to objectify, sexualise and diminish women while ensuring the messages and photos they post online emphasise actions and values rather than looks

To include men as an integral part of the solution and to engage them as champions for the positive media portrayal of women while at the same time, identifying men as victims of objectification and straightjacketing by traditional concepts of masculinity.

To make media literacy and critical thinking a core element of the teaching curriculum, especially at the secondary school level


1. The usual way an agency gets work is through a pitch. A pitch is an audition, with the client giving a brief to a number of advertising agencies, and choosing the one that best resolves the brief. Of course, it doesn’t always work that way (see The Pitch TV show), but for the most part, this is how agencies are paired with clients.

2. The client is there to present the agency with its problems, and when it needs solutions. The types of problems and solutions vary greatly depending upon the client’s business and the ad agency’s area of expertise. How this is done is different from agency to agency, but the basic steps are more or less the same.

3. The account manager (and team) meets with the client to identify the problem that needs to be solved.

The account manager writes a creative brief based on that problem. This will include competitive analysis, research, the assistance of the planner and/or creative director, and eventually, sign off from the client.

The account manager briefs the creative team and includes a timeline, budget, proposed media and other factors.

The creative team works on the project for several days (or weeks if they’re lucky) and brings the first round of ideas to the creative director.

The creative director will cull the ideas that are not working, and direct the team to explore the good ideas.

The creative team will continue to work on the ideas, but bring in the production department (if needed), account manager and other members of the agency to make sure the work is on track. If there are printed pieces, or a shoot is required, this is when the production department will begin estimates.

The creative director approves the final ideas, and the creative team presents (hopefully) them to the client.

The client will go away and discuss the ideas, before giving feedback to the agency. This may result in a reworking of ideas (repeat steps 3 to 7) or a green light to move into the execution of the ideas. At this point, a budget and timeline will once again be approved.

The creative team works closely with the account team, media buying, production, and the creative director to produce the ads, whatever form they may take.

The final ads are placed in front of the client for approval. Once the client approves, the ads are published, be it online, in print, outdoor, on the air, or any other media.

The agency will monitor the success, and ROI, of the ads and give the feedback to the client.

The client pays the agency. And then the whole process is repeated.


Manup - Its okay to show feelings as a man

Copy rights and Wrongs

fair use - the ability to use a small amount of someone’s creative work without permission, but only in certain ways. Cannot be used for commercial purposes. Can only be used in certain ways: schoolwork & education criticism or social commentary, news reporting, comedy or parody

commercial purposes - a use in connection with a business, usually for profit

copyright - a law that protects a creator’s ownership of and control over the work he or she creates, requiring other people to get the creator’s permission before they copy, share, or perform that work

creative commons - a kind of copyright that makes it easy for people to copy, share, and build on someone’s creative work – as long as they give the creator credit for it

public domain - creative work that’s not protected by copyright and is therefore free for one to use however one wants

If I had Created a piece of work I would make people who wanted to use it ask me if I could use it. I would do this because I worked hard on that piece of work and I wouldn't want someone stealing it for there use without my permission.

Our film feedback - volume is to loud, They liked the genuine reaction.

Track - when companies collect information about you based on your online behavior

Target - when companies tailor content to you based on the information they have collected about you

Demographic - common categories of the population, such as age, gender, and race

Cookies - data files that are stored on your computer when you visit certain sites, often used by companies to identify repeat customers and personalize visitors’ experiences

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