Harn Museum By Aaron Gaskin

Note: above picture taken from http://hubpages.com/art/Review-Harn-Museum-of-Art-Gainesville-Florida

Glazed ceramic double-gourd vase from Qing Dynasty, 18th century. Bequest by Dr. David A. Cofrin

This vase strikes a cord with me for some odd reason. I know that I love this kind of color, a kind of vibrant blue with a darker blue as a kind of highlight. But, I also loved the shape of the vase itself, it was odd but I really like the shape of it despite that. I remember seeing the vase and thinking how hard it must have been to make that by hand due to it being a ceramic glazed vase. You can't see it from the picture very well but the designs on the vase pop off of the vase and are quite detailed despite how they look in the picture. Also, the colors on the vase looked difficult to do, to me, because I don't know how you get that many shades of blue along with dark blue, black, and white all together on a 2 foot tall vase.

Water garden in Asian wing of Harn Museum

I remember seeing the doors leading outside while in the museum and looking through them to this little garden. I loved it immediately because of all the little touches to it that I know are in Asian water gardens having been to China myself. The bridge that goes across the pond is of the same style that I saw everywhere in China, a kind of woodwork lattice shape. Also, I saw a tree that I believe to be a bonsai tree growing in the corner of the garden surrounded by rocks and other plants which can be found in quite a lot of gardens in China at least. This garden definitely brought a little part of Asian culture to the museum that most people probably wouldn't have been able to experience otherwise and it is a nice little addition if I do say so.

Russkie #92 by Anastasia Khoroshilova, Russian born 1978

I picked this piece because it depicts three woman, the grandmother, mother, and the daughter all together doing some kind of activity. I can relate to this because friends and family are very important to me and I value them above everything else, I think. I can't begin to remember all the times my mom was there to help me when I got hurt or needed someone to talk to. Or when I wanted to go camping or some other physical activity and my dad was there supporting me the whole time. I know that they are still helping me out all the time and I like to think that I'm there for them as well which is why I like this picture so much. It shows them all together, maybe they're just talking, or they could be doing something with the fabric in the grandmother's lap, I don't know what but I do know that they are doing it together rather than splitting up and losing touch with one another.

Sheep Wranglers by Justin Kurland, American born 1969

I feel that this picture can relate to the Good Life because it shows schoolgirls taking a break in a field and just lounging around and talking. This is important to the Good life, to know when to take a break and relax, just let go and enjoy what's around. I can guess that these girls probably have homework or studying to do for school not to mention any chores that await them at home but looking at the picture I couldn't see any girl that wasn't just enjoying the scenery and the presence of those around them. Rather than getting caught up in what they need to do or what they will have to do later, they're just focusing on the now. This is the way that Siddhartha acted at the end of the book, he did plan to get food or listen to the people he ferried across the river, but he never let it consume his thoughts, rather he was just there to listen and be part of whatever was happening around him.

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