Good Life Tour of the Harn The Merging of Art and Diversity

In this painting, Rider of the Apocalypse, artist Rufino Tamayo utilized the medium of color lithograph. Tamayo is able to produce extremely vivid colors of red and black; each of them contrasts nicely with the other, especially due to their placement at opposite ends of the painting. This use of color contributes to a very foreboding atmosphere in this work, which is fitting considering the apocalypse itself is being depicted. I do not think I have ever seen a painting as eerie as this one; perhaps this is due to the overall chaotic nature of the painting and the fact that the rider himself looks gleeful as his horse tramples through a world of ruin. Overall, the work communicates a feeling of despair and anarchy.

This picture was taken inside the entrance to the African wing of the museum. It consisted of a short hallway with a mirror and a video playing various African customs. I found this appealing because once I entered this week, I immediately felt immersed in the African culture without having seen a single work of art yet. By looking into the mirror and seeing the video playing behind you, it makes it feel like you are truly a getting a firsthand look at the traditions of Africa. I felt very fortunate that the museum was able to offer such a personal journey through the artwork and overall culture of Africa.

This sculpture was created by Augustin Cardenas using bronze with brown patina. It is simply titled Family, which is one of my most important core values. In the sculpture, both parents are joined together by their child, representing the genuine harmony of family. This helps me to better appreciate how fortunate I am to have such a loving and caring family, one that I will always feel a special bond toward. I am definitely filled with happiness when I see this sculpture. It reminds me that my parents' love for me and my love for them is something that will always hold us together through thick and thin. This is certainly a good feeling to have.

Here is the Seated Buddha, sculpted from stucco with traces of polychrome. Obviously, the Buddha himself was a living embodiment of a good life. He achieved the crucial Good Life theme of enlightenment, and because of this, his teachings have been passed on for generations. In the sculpture, Buddha's tranquil facial expression and overall relaxed demeanor convey his true mastery of a good life. The Seated Buddha reminds me to remain calm even when I face difficult obstacles, as this will help me to endure and allow me to reach my full potential.

Photos Cited: Borofsky, Jonathan. Harn Museum of Art Entrance. Harn Museum of Art, Gaineville Accessed 26 January 2017. All other photos were taken inside the Harn Museum of Art.

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