Florida Museum of Natural History Jonathan Kash

Nature on Display

This exhibit captured my attention as it just seemed like a random piece of fruit sitting on a rock. In fact, it was a few butterflies that were peacefully eating the fruit. I learned that even though we are different sizes and species, we both share more characteristics than I previously thought.

Nature and Ethics

I truly appreciated the exhibits and enjoyed seeing nature up close. Seeing animals that typically would be hidden in nature was an interesting touch. For example, the Ornate Horned Frog exhibit seemed like there was only an enclosed tree branch. On further inspection there was actually a huge frog that was hidden among the scenery. Me, as well as several others were surprised when we finally saw the frog, and after that I feel like I need to be more careful of choices I make, as some animals could be directly affected and I might not even realize.

Nature and the Human Spirit

The museum forced me to observe nature that outside of the museum may be directly next to me but I might not even notice. It helped me better appreciate other animals and their habitats.


Created with images by GregGilbert1 - "Red Admiral"

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