How does Hosseini develop the villain archetype throughout the novel? Victora PAvey 3rd period

Criminal, lawbreaker, crook, thief, all of these words have another meaning: villain. In the book "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini, the author exploits and builds the development of the villain Assef. Hosseini develops the villain Assef by showing how he was during childhood, at Amir's party, then as a adult.
In the beginning of the book, it's evident that Assef has badness within. Assef particularly hates Hassan because he's a Hazara. Assef believes that Pashtuns are superior and Hazaras are the scum on the bottom of his shoe. Assef would do anything to hurt Hassan. For example, in chapter five, Assef confronted Amir and Hassan and started to condemn Hassan's identity and starts to go after Amir. Assef started to threaten Amir's life when "Assef slipped on the brass knuckles. Gave me an icy look... I looked into his crazy eyes and saw that he really meant it. He meant to hurt me." This proves that even from a young age Assef was already bad and he didn't care if it meant hurting others. Clearly, this shows the beginning of a villain in the making. Furthermore, Assef attacks Hassan in an uneven fight in a back alley and does something unforgivable. In chapter seven, Hassan is kite running for Amir and gets trapped by Assef and his friends and Assef said: "All I want you weaklings to do is hold him down. Can you manage that?... They looked relived. Assef knelt behind Hassan, and put his hands on Hassan's hips..." This example reveals the immense immorality in Assef, from trying to beat the boys up to raping one, it's inhumane. Thus proving the true darkness in Assef that the author will build upon throughout the rest of the book.
Later on in the novel, Assef shows up upon Baba's request to Amir's birthday party; obviously, Baba doesn’t know about what Assef has done. Assef shows up acting his cocky self, in chapter eight, with Amir's gift in hand. Amir, furious to see Assef, storms off in bad manner with his gift towards a field. Amir "tore the wrapping paper from Assef's present and tilted the book cover in the moonlight. It was a biography of Hitler." This example shows that Assef isn't even ashamed of what he has done to Hassan and, he believes that Hitler's "principles" are the only way. Cleary, this shows that the villain in Assef is starting to evolve and be consumed into a greater darkness not caring about the consequences of his actions. In addition, at the end of chapter eight, Assef sees Hassan, and messes with him. Amir says "I saw something I'll never forget: Hassan serving drinks to Assef... Assef grinning, kneading Hassan in the chest with a knuckle." This proves that Assef truly has no regrets or remorse toward what he has done. As a result, it shows his true character, which is purely disgusting.
At the end of the novel, Amir goes back to Afghan after living in America for so long. Amir meets up with Rahim Khan and soon realizes the Afghan he has returned to, is not the same place her remembers. Rahim Khan tells Amir about his old friend: Hassan. Who had a happy life, with a wife and a son, but sadly the couple died at the hands of the Taliban and left an orphan son. Rahim wants Amir to find Sohrab, Hassan's son, but they soon find out that Sohrab has been sold to the Taliban. Amir goes after Sohrab, but when he reaches where Sohrab is being kept he's struck with the reality that Assef is the head of the Taliban there, and he's the one keeping Sohrab. In chapter twenty-two Amir tries to talk to Assef to get the boy back: " "Tell me why you want the boy" Assef said. He pinched Sohrab's earlobe between his teeth..." This proves that Assef is truly despicable, holding young boys captive and raping them. Clearly, Afghan has changed, but Assef is still the same moron; furthermore, near the end of chapter twenty-two, Assef is willing to let the boy go, but not for free. The only way Amir was going to get the boy was if he killed Assef. Amir says he "remembered this: His(Assef) brass knuckles flashing in the afternoon light; how cold the first few blows were..." This demonstrates that Assef has progressed as the villain of the book. Assef has truly become a devil, and has no intent in ever changing.
In conclusion, Assef is a terrible person for the sins he has committed in this world and Hosseini demonstrates that by giving us many different examples at the beginning and the end of the book.



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