Challenging Project By CING KIM

To start this project, first you have to make a slab to do that you need a wet clay and roll in out enough to the size of the cone that you are gonna use. Second grab one of the cone size paper and cut it out.
let it stand up like this and start split and score
After the spilt and score, you should start working the flower because the clay is still wet and it is easire and to do that start piniching the some of the clay to form flower
You have to start sponging the inequal part of vase
So I was going for flowering vase but Things were not always turn out exactly I want, if you know what I mean because one time I tried to make one of mug look beautiful and ended up glazing too much and makes the mug look so black. so I make this V shape cut to give the vase nicer look
A view from the other side and keep sponging until it looks smooth and good to go
This picture is blur but you could kinda still see how the inside look. Now we could start carving because The stage of the clay is leather hard, perfect time to put texture carve.
I can not make the flowering vase but there's one more option left... if you can not make the flowering then carved the flower on the vase
Better hurry carving because the clay getting dry
Getting almost there
Everything is finished and stage of the clay is bone dry ( means the clay is no longer cool to the touch and is ready to be fire)
Here's a look of bisque clay after firing,,I think it came out really good and the texture are more clear and more focus
Here's another look of the inside πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ΊπŸ˜»
Glazing part is starting with burn sugar
Finish glazing look and standing among other's people project .πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ finally Im 4/5 done with my project and lets wait for final looks with the glaze

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