Macbeth as Tragic Hero Tee and Sierra

A protagonist of high estate-- A king, a prince, a general.."I am the Thane of Glamis" (1.3.71)

Explanation: Macbeth is the Thane of Glamis.

Has a tragic flaw: "I have no spur to prick the sider of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o'erlaps itself and falls on th' other" (1.7.25-28)

Explanation: His ambition is taking over his actions.

Gains a sense of urgency-- feels the need to "hurry up and do things".. "For Banquo's issue have I filed my mind; for them the gracious Duncan have I murdered" (3.1.65-66)

Explanation: He's questioning why he killed the king because Banquo's descendants are supposed to be kings. so it's encouraging him to hurry up and kill Banquo.

Misreads info or rationalizes actions-- The occurrence of the third element will increase the Tragic Hero's urgency. The Tragic Hero operates on what he believes to be the case rather than what he actually knows to be the case.."Then live, Macduff: what need I fear of thee?" (4.1.82)

Explanation: Macbeth is basically saying there is nothing that can stop him so why should he fear anything. But later he is proven wrong.

Murder,exile, alienation of enemies and allies.."O, yet I do repent me of my fury, That I did kill them." (2.3.100-101)

Explanation: Macbeth murdered the kings guards because he saw the king laying dead and the guards were bloody so he murdered the guards to avenge the kings death.

Gradual isolation of tragic hero (could be by others or self actualized)-- He will eventually face the responsibility of his/her actions alone.... "Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, Till thou applaud the deed." (3.1.45)

Explanation: He doesn't want to let her in on the deed. (Macbeth talking to lady Macbeth.)

Mobilization of opposition against him-- opposing forces mobilize against the Tragic Hero to bring the tragedy to his conclusion. Often times, the Tragic Hero is confronted by an enemy in the fifth act who has a good reason for seeking his death..."The English pow'r is near, led on by Malcolm, His uncle Sidward and the good Macduff. (4.2.71)

Explanation: The Allies are coming and Malcolm, Sidward and Macduff are incharge.

Recognition of tragic flaw but too late.. "I am in blood stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er." (4.7..55)

Explanation: Saying (Macbeth) he lies and his troubles are too deep already, there is no point to turn back now.

Death of tragic hero "Hail, king! For so thou art: behold, where stands Th'usurper's cursed head" (4.7.55)

Explanation: Macduff chops Macbeth's head off.

Restoration of the natural order of things "Hail, king! For so thou art: behold, where stands."

Explanation: Malcolm becomes king.

Created By
Tee Jackson


Created with images by MikeBird - "shakespeare king lear ancient"

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