The Cay By: Theodore Taylor; Project by: Silver Lopez

The cay takes place on the islands region near Curazao and islands around the area during the 1990's. The story narrates the story of Timothy, a 60 year old African Caribbean who works in a ship, and Philip, an american kid whose dad works as at Curazao for an oil drilling company. Phillip's dad has finished his job at the islands and has to go back to New York with the company so he leaves earlier than his family on boat. Phillip and his mom leave separately on another boat weeks later, there while Phillip stands on the deck observing the horizon he slips and falls in the water Timothy sees him and jumps in his rescue, but no one at the ship notices them and keep going without them Timothy and Phillip swim and find a deserted island where they will do the impossible to try to survive.

I personally did enjoy the novel. The novel puts two different ethnic and economic groups that must work together to survive. One of my favorite things about the book is that Phillip is very disrespectful to Timothy and he just tries to be nice and to look for each other. I think adults and elders also teens would enjoy this book because it has two different generations collaborating to survive. I think that the message this novel is tryin to pass on is that you must respect others even if you did not know they existed because one day he might save your life.

Currently the author passed away 10 years ago and did not have any social media however there are plenty of interviews online.


Created with images by D-Stanley - "Admiralty Islands" • Mariamichelle - "ship boat lake garda" • Eva Luedin - "Ocean" • grongar - "Island" • existangst - "Coconut" • alubavin - "IMG_2991 гроб" • Zajcsik - "lightning storm night"

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