Learn & Grow Together Coastsalish Elder stories

Ernestine Ballew

How did the Indians know how to do all this, know when to gather Cedar & what to do with it?

The more you work with things and the more you’re close to the earth, and the more you TOUCH things on earth, you know what to do with it.
Handmade Cedar goods

Growing Up Places:

I must’ve been 4 or 5 by the time we first moved over to Portage Island because I was born in Murietta, and we lived down at Fish Point, we lived in Red River… My dad had property on Red River. And from there - we lived in shacks. And the kids don’t know what a shack is and so I have to tell them – it’s a shack, with boards up, with holes in it – you know. You could see the sun shining through our house. When I’d wake up I’d see the sunbeams coming through the house

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