Learning with NORCAN Monsignor john pereyma catholic secondarY school

In August 2016, members of Team Pereyma travelled to Norway to connect, collaborate and plan with Norwegian educators.

Since this time, teachers from Pereyma and Molde have been connecting virtually to discuss the importance of student voice and to explore how we can become better at capturing and using student voice to drive our professional learning.

In November 2016, Pereyma was pleased to welcome educators from Molde, Norway and Fort McMurray, Alberta to our community.

NORCAN visitors were met early Monday morning by members of Pereyma's Math & Learning Council, "disguised" in their Hallowe'en costumes!

We began the week by coming together in the classroom. Students and teachers alike learned how educational systems of Ontario, Alberta and Norway are alike and different.

There was one major point that teachers agreed upon - wherever you are, teaching is challenging, rewarding and fun. And the best part of teaching is working with students!

Teachers worked together to discuss and explore a concrete-diagrammatic-symbolic approach to learning Mathematics, as well as pedagogical techniques used to differentiate instruction and assessment and to increase engagement of students in the Mathematical processes.

In keeping with our endeavour to capture and respond to student voice, NORCAN teachers asked students to share their thoughts on technology in the Math classroom.

Educators then explored ways that iPad can be used to provide timely descriptive feedback, promote metacognition, highlight student learning and make student thinking visible.

A highlight of the week was a virtual Math & Learning Council meeting between students from Pereyma and Molde.

Students discussed next steps for their Math & Learning Councils and Molde students were treated to a virtual tour of Pereyma, thanks to mobile technology!

In the visit's grand finale, NORCAN teachers worked together to facilitate a full-day challenge-based learning task.

To share our Canadian heritage with our Norwegian visitors, and in honour of Remembrance Day, Pereyma students explored the role of Math and Science in the Canadian victory at Vimy Ridge, France in April 1916.

Teachers from many departments contributed to creating "Pereyma's Road to Vimy Ridge" task. Teachers and students alike learned much from this first "Full-day Challenge Learning Event" at Pereyma.

Thanks to Pereyma's History and Science departments for their guidance and support in this cross-curricular endeavour!

Students used technology to analyze projectile motion and explore the Mathematics required to support the creeping barrage approach that Canada first employed at Vimy Ridge.

Students and teachers alike were sad when it came time for our visitors to return home. Before their departure, NORCAN educators presented their work to the Numeracy Leadership Team at Durham Catholic District School Board.

We know we have to leave. But first...

...One last double double!

Team Pereyma continues to be thankful for the amazing learning opportunity that NORCAN provides for both students and educators. We look forward to more exciting learning in the year ahead!

Created By
Leanne Oliver

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