Campus Computer Service 1-844-802-7653

Campus Computer Service started on January 15th 2016 Next to Apple, above Campus Computers.

We later went on to acquire the 1-844-80BROKEPC

We bought a lot of advertising materials

Our first summer months in our New Haven location were great! We Service every Computer related issue there is.

Many different iPhone screens
Heat sink fans
Keyboard replacements
Even CMOS battery replacements.
Our Company now has colorful potential
If it wasn't for the likes of Alessandra Sillo, Alton Hopes and Jefferson Castillo. We would be stuck in the snow!

If it wasn't for our babies!

We run promotions all the time

So don't forget to Dance this Valentines Day

We would like to say Happy Valentines Day! Now one year later we can celebrate our first one year and one month!

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