Term 2 Prostart Sam Loveland

My three best knife cuts were the Chiffinade, the mince, and the chop. They are shown as numbers 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
I would love to have this KitchenAid classic series stand mixer in my future home because it is so versatile and has so many accessories. I found this one on Amazon for $248.06
This lab was pasta salad and poached pears. This applied to what we were learning because we were doing a moist heat unit so we used four different kinds of moist head. We poached the peaches in cranberry sauce, boiled the pasta noodles, steamed the broccoli, and blanched the carrots.
This lab was a cheesy herb bread lab. We were learning about herbs and spices, so we applied that knowledge by mixing in fresh herbs and spices to add flavor to our bread. My group added fresh rosemary and mustard powder, using a fresh herb and a spice just as we learned in class.
This lab was steak fajitas. It applied to what we are learning because we were learning about dry heat so we used several dry heat methods. We pan fried the steak and vegetables and roasted the bell peppers, and even heated up the tortillas using dry heat.

Created By
Samantha Loveland


Created with images by uwlideas - "#Food"

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