ABANDONED A gallery of the forgotten

I have always had a soft spot for the abandoned and the forgotten. Among a few of my adventures have included Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia,PA. Eastern State was once the most famous and expensive prison in the world. Today the prison stands in ruin, a world of crumbling cell blocks and empty guard towers.

Another one of my favorites found me at Jackson Sanitarium, " the old castle on the hill", located in Dansville, NY. The building is over 135 years old and has sat empty since 1971, it's history began as a home for the terminally ill and later included a home for the mentally ill.

"The old castle on the hill."

A room with a view.

The Barber chair.

Long row of abandoned cell blocks.

The hospital ward.

Doors to nowhere.

The old Jackson atrium.

An old farmhouse in Upstate NY.

53 Dodge pickup found out back.

An abandoned college dorm hall in Upsate NY, South Hall on the campus of Alfred State University.

"We don't need no education"

Created By
Todd Rogers

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