Professional Presentation Analysis Creative Presentation - Suzanne Wilson


Let's Clean Up The Space Junk Orbiting Earth

Presented by Natalie Panek

This presentation immediately received my attention when Panek started addressing the audience with questions about their everyday lives. For instance, she says, "Think about your week so far. Have you watched TV, used GPS, checked the weather or even ate a meal?". She relied on these questions because these are things a typical person would do almost every day. This presentation was powerful because she presented many examples to the audience, which motivates them to take action because she connected the questions with their everyday lives. It also caught my attention because these examples made me realize that satellite debris could affect our daily lives if something were to happen, such as a collision with another object. For instance, maybe a GPS satellite has a collision with debris. We wouldn't be able to use navigation unless the device could connect to another satellite.

I enjoyed this presentation for its focus on the topic without straying off course. Panek presented in such a way that made me want to keep watching. For example, her constant friendly hand motions made me feel that she wanted to include the audience with open arms. She didn't rely on visuals at all, which I always enjoy. Most people like pictures, but I like conversations or text. It is easier for me to comprehend when I hear it rather than see it.

While we're on the subject of reading text, this presentation was presented in a way that I probably would not have comprehended by reading an article because of the vast amount of connection she presented with the audience and everyday objects and events that use satellite technology. Also, unlike most articles, she didn't just rely on proof. I found this particularly interesting since Resonate covers this in Section 1.7. It quotes, "Relying too much on proof distracts you from the real mission—which is emotional connection.”

Speaking of emotional connection, Panek revealed multiple moments during the presentation. Whether it was the softness of her voice or the motion of her hands, she made the audience (or at least me) feel connected emotionally. It was also the way she delivered the message that emotionally connected the audience with her topic.

Are you a giver or a taker?

Presented by Adam Grant

This presentation was a powerful one due to Grant's delivery of the message. He immediately commenced with humorous comments on the subject. He had asked the audience to find the most paranoid person in the room and point at them, and then when they had started pointing at him he said, "Okay, don't actually do it." This type of humor connected immediately with the audience and gave him a sort of assured presence. Not only was it the humor presented, but the way he spoke to the audience. He spoke to them as if he'd known them, like they were friends or family.

I liked this presentation due to its delivery. Like I said earlier, this presentation is powerful due to this. I mostly liked the humor as it reminded me that there isn't much humor in presentations, and he turned a topic into something that people could enjoy and laugh while learning about. This form of delivery is one of my favorites because I am a person who loves humor.

What made the content appealing was the way the presenter turned the topic into a sort of relatable one. Grant presented humor that wasn't only funny, but actually related to the audience. That's part of the reason he connected so well with them. Resonate even covers this in a case study on page 163 about the infamous Steve Jobs' humorous presentations. It says, "Not many presenters can sustain the momentum there, yet he keeps interest with a tightly rehearsed demo that...demonstrates them in humorous and unexpected ways." For me, this is a great comparison. I see various aspects of Jobs' humor in Grant's presentation.

It's funny just how important humor is in this presentation. If there was no humor, the audience would think of the subject as a dull and poorly chosen one. I know it's repetitive, but this is how Grant drew in the audience to care about the subject. He presented relatable humor in the form of questions and answers.

Unlike reading an article, watching this presentation presented many instances in which he combined verbal and visual forms. This combination, although risky, works in his favor. The various mixture of humor was also implemented in the visual aspect of this presentation. As he was telling jokes, the visuals brought the humor even further into the audience by presenting photos such as famous television casts, cartoon characters, and other famous images, and comparing them with the humorous statements he had made.

The emotions that Grant elicited were once again very humorous. I can't stress enough how important the humor was in this case. At some points in the presentation, he put off some serious sounding statements to maintain a professional presence, yet made the humor work to get the audience listening. This has to be my favorite of the three presentations.

My Year of Saying Yes to Everything

presented by Shonda Rhimes

This presentation brought with it a powerful and emotional presenter that presented all types of verbal presentation possible. Rhimes began by telling everyone who she is, what she does, and that she's a "Titan". As the presentation progresses, she begins to develop the story behind the word "Titan" and why she calls herself that. She tells the story of how her children have made an impact on her life and career, all for the better. It was a very emotional and determined story that put the point she is trying to give: Love is more than just something that you do. It's your whole life.

I liked this presentation due to its determined and emotional story-line. She presented the story of how she spent a year only saying yes to her children when they asked her if she would play with them, no matter what the circumstance. It touched me very much so, because it reminded me that childhood is something a person should cherish because it can be gone in an instant.

Rhimes, I would have to say, made the content appealing, because she told the story and moral with such passion and emotion. She also made it relatable by bringing in everyone's emotions, emotions that we all have experienced, and placing them in the perfect places within the story.

Within the first few sentences of her speech, I was hooked. She had me at "For one year, I would say yes to all things that scared me." This intrigued me into immediately wanting more information on how the results came out and how she pushed through it. This is truly a brave woman. On page 66 of Resonate, it explains how the mentor should push through the fears. I think this relates very much so in her story.

The information that Rhimes shared in her story is something that can't be told in just writing. What brought her whole story together and connected the audience with her topic was her emotions.

Speaking of emotions, the presenter elicited just the perfect amount. You could tell all emotions in her story were brutally honest, and at one point she even teared up. It creates a sort of bond with some of the audience, and even those people get a sort of emotional connection and can't help but to care for the presenter. This is something that can't at all be put into words and emotions.

10 Qualities, techniques & Presentation Skills


Emotions are important when delivering a presentation, as this gives the audience a feel for how important or not important a certain subject is. In Shonda Rhimes' presentation, My Year of Saying Yes to Everything, she shows many emotions throughout her time on stage. At first, she conveyed a very determined and driven presence, and as the story went on she got more and more emotional. She even got to the point that in the video you can see tears in her eyes. In Section 5.2, More Than Just Facts, it explains just how important emotion is in public speaking and presentation.


Occasionally, you'll need to get the audience's attention if they start to drift away from connecting with your presentation. One way of doing this is by humor. In Adam Grant's presentation, we see lots (and I mean lots) of humor. Almost everything he had to say was even the slightest bit humorous. In Shonda Rhimes' presentation, she would break some of the saddened emotions by making a funny statement, like, "I mean I must be crazy, I call myself a Titan." This gives the audience a notice that the presenter isn't trying to bore you, they're trying to get your attention and trying to draw you to the topic at hand. On page 163, Resonate details some of Steve Jobs' humorous presentation styles, and he was one of the best (in my opinion) presenters in the world.


I know you may be thinking, "Questions?", but questions can actually connect you with your audience. Asking the audience questions not only pertaining to the topic at hand, but their daily lives (if possible) can make them give you the attention you are seeking from them. In Natalie Panek's presentation, for instance, she asks them some questions about their everyday lives and then connects them with her topic. This is something that can be of great importance during a presentation. On page 133 of Resonate, it details how to get the audience thinking by asking questions.


If you can somehow bring visuals into your presentation that will connect what your saying with what is being shown, then by all means do it. Some people are visual learners, and love pictures, but the combination of both, when sufficient, can be very important. For instance, Adam Grant brings visuals into his presentation while stating some funny facts for the audience, and painting a picture of the type of people he's talking about (for example, Stewie from Family Guy is a taker). These make sense to the audience because they can understand in detail the type of people they should look for. In Resonate, it speaks of S.T.A.R. moments, which also details visuals that work.


In presentations, especially those of longer length, it's recommended (by me at least) to show some enthusiasm and ecstatic emotions when you notice the audience drifting off. This works especially well with humor. In Adam Grant's presentation, he occasionally gets enthusiastic when stating funny comments. On page 139 of Resonate, it states the different types of delivery methods for the topic at hand.


In situations in which you have no certain time limit, you may want to keep the length of the presentation at the minimum while making an impact about the topic. All presentations in this assignment have been fit under 20 minutes. On page 176 of Resonate, it explains time frames.


If your presentation topic requires concern to take action, show a mix of emotion, questions, and visuals (where applicable). All three of the presentations within this assignment present these beyond sufficiency. On page 70 of Resonate, it details certain information on how to raise concerns in certain situations.


Communication with your audience before, during, and after the presentation can change their view of not only you, but your topic or concern. All of the presentations in this assignment present communication very well. This is very important in presentations. In Resonate on page 72, it explains communication's importance in presentations.


Rest assured on your audience to determine your ability to persuade. Trust me. They know if you have knowledge on what your talking about or explaining. You can especially tell this in Rhimes' presentation, this audience knowledge is apparant throughout the video. Page 59 of Resonate also tells how to define your audience.


A well-thought out conclusion goes a long way, as the audience remembers a lot from the conclusion and take it and apply it to take action for the topic. One conclusion out of the three presentations struck me very much so: Rhimes'. You could tell that it was well-thought out because of the layout of the conclusion. She chose carefully very impacting words that the audience would likely remember. On page 44 of Resonate, it explains how the audience views conclusions.

Created By
Michael Kinder


Person, Men, Theater, Curtain - | Asteroids, Planet, Space, Meteor - | Spaceship, Universe, Cosmos, Space - | Statue of Liberty, Famous, Persons - | Hands, Suit, Give, Take, Offer - | Yes, Message, Design, Note, Text -

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