Florida Museum of Natural History By: Amanda Rosenberg

Nature and Ethics

In the picture above, the butterflies are eating oranges. I learned that butterflies are famous for eating less appetizing items, such as, sap, rotten fruit and decomposing animals. I chose this picture because it takes butterflies out of their natural habitat when eating the same food humans eat. The Natural History Museum provided me with an opportunity to feel one with nature. I felt as if I was in the butterflies community rather than my own. I believe the experience was similar to what Leopold recommends because everyone in the exhibit was admiring and loving the butterflies and their habitat. As I was walking through the museum, I thought that it was amazing and I thought everything was beautiful. Butterflies would land on people and fly right in front of people's eyes causing visitors to connect with nature. I believe I have more of a sense of the life of butterflies and feel an ethical responsibility to nature absolutely.

Nature on Display

I took this picture above after reading the sign behind me about the rainforest layers. I thought that this particular area of the exhibit was intriguing because certain species of butterflies live in certain areas of the rainforest depending on how much sunlight they need. The butterfly exhibit as a whole was an amazing place to be and gave me much curiosity. The design of the butterfly exhibit takes me through a winding path where every moment there is a butterfly to spot. There are butterflies in water, eating, drinking, flying and everywhere. I learned how butterflies drink by sitting in small puddles and I saw butterflies drawn to certain colors on people's shirts. I found the butterfly rainforest specifically interesting because of all the vibrant colors and the fact that butterflies gave everyone a sense of calmness.

Nature and Human Spirit

I chose this picture in the Butterfly Rainforest of the butterflies high up in the trees. Butterflies can blend in with certain parts of nature depending on their color and many can go without being spotted. The Natural History museum helps us step out of our ordinary lives because our lives and animals lives are very different overall. Humans are so used to having the same perspective as one another and when looking at butterflies, their perspective changes nonstop. Butterflies can be very high, very low, or anywhere at all. This exhibit helps people better understand who they are by noticing that their are other viewpoints in the world and it teaches people to not be so narrow minded. I believe it helps us appreciate the mystery of the natural world because there are always people or animals around us that are hidden.

All images were taken by myself.

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