The call center of India The STRUGGLE and advAnTages

This would be anyone's dream in india,it might now be the greatest job but it's something. Working at a call center isn't the greatest pay but out of 1,266,883,598 people getting a job would be very hard. People take the job for benefits and a chance to escape the slums. India is rated for having the second highest population,it's not easy to get a job or have the opportunity to have a better life.

In India not all children have the opportunity of a education. Only 3.8% of indias population has a education. Out of over a million people only 3.8% of them have had a education. That doesn't make indias future to advanced and India doesn't have a bright future based on the amount of education in the country.

Most children in India don't have the opportunity to a education. In India children are hot forced to go to school so most don't. A education can lead to more opportunities to achieve a better life.


Created with images by State Farm - "State Farm Call Center" • superfem - "Slums of Mumbai" • Biedermann - "children students school" • Biedermann - "children students school"

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