Globe Theatre Maxeene Quiambao Period 5

Thesis: The Globe Theatre was created specifically for William Shakespeare, to produce plays, and to entertain audiences who were interested.

Background on Theater

Quote #1: "He had a theater that needed plays, actors who needed parts, and a family that needed to be fed" (Anderson 777).

Commentary: Shakespeare wanted a theatre to be able to produce his plays and make money for his family at home.

Quote #2: "The brothers Cuthbert and Richard Burbage constructed the theater in 1599 from the timbers of London's first playhouse, called The Theatre" (Seidel).

Commentary: They created the theatre on the south side of River Thames, but was owned and operated by William Shakespeare.

Quote #3: "It was burned down after a cannon, fired during a performance of Henry VIII, set light to the thatch. The site was rediscovered in October 1989 near the remains of the contemporaneous Rose Theatre" ("Globe Theatre").

Commentary: A new Globe Theatre was built in 1949 after an actor, Sam Wanamaker, started the campaign to rebuild it.

Quote #4: "Like Shakespeare's stage, this kind of thrust stage, with its minimal scenery, allows playwrights (if they want) to move their stories rapidly from place to place" (Anderson 780).

Commentary: The theatre had different stages that helped the story become more alive and move from different scenes.


Quote #1: "The apron of the main stage certainly projected into the area where standing room was available to the groundlings—the audience members who paid the least to see performances" (Cook).

Commentary: The groundlings were mostly people who paid a penny to watch the theatre, but since they paid so little, they had to get the worst seating in the theatre although they technically just had to stand.

Quote #2: "Three overhanging tiered galleries seated the audience. The top gallery had a thatched roof, but the rest of the theater was open to the elements" (Hager).

Commentary: The top gallery was the most expensive since the audience could have shelter when it rained or on the hot days.

Quote #3: "A theater audience does not want to be whisked from place to place" (Anderson 780).

Commentary: The audience prefer to spend a long time watching a conflict among a small group of people in all one setting and act.


Quote #1: "Macbeth is a five-act tragedy by the English dramatist William Shakespeare. It was probably written in 1606 and first performed at the Globe Theatre, London, in the same year, possibly in front of King James I" (Macbeth).

Commentary: The play Macbeth is about a general named Macbeth who was forced to commit murder for protection.

Quote #2: "Henry V is a five-act historical play by the English dramatist William Shakespeare. Its full title is King Henry V. It was written and performed in 1599, possibly the first Shakespeare play staged at the Globe Theater, owned by Shakespeare and his acting company, in the Southwark borough of London" (Seidel).

Commentary: There are two plots to King Henry IV. The first includes Prince Harry and Henry's teared relationship. The second is about the plotted rebellion against King Henry by a discontented family in the North.

Quote #3: "Julius Caesar, one of the most read and studied works of Shakespeare, is believed to have been written in 1599 (some scholars place it later, between 1600 and 1601), the first play to be performed in the Globe Theatre, and was first printed in the 1623 First Folio." (Ridley-Elmes)

Commentary: The play was written based on a true story about the Roman Empire and how the leader, Julius Caesar, was being bashed by the conspiracy and what followed after his death.

Works Cited

Anderson, Robert. "Shakespeare and His Theater: A Perfect Match." Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, by G. Kylene Beers et al., Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 778-80.

---. "William Shakespeare's Life: A Genius from Stratford." Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, by G. Kylene Beers et al., Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 776-77.

Cook, James Wyatt. "Globe Theatre." Encyclopedia of Renaissance Literature. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc.

"Globe Theatre." Hutchinson Encyclopedia Of Britain (2014): 5129. History Reference Center. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.

Hager, Alan, ed. "Globe Theatre." Encyclopedia of British Writers, 16th and 17th Centuries. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2005. Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc.

"Macbeth." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 5 Dec. 2016.

Ridley-Elmes, Melissa. "Julius Caesar." McClinton-Temple, Jennifer ed. Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2011. Bloom's Literature, Facts On File, Inc.

Seidel, Michael. "Globe Theatre." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

Seidel, Michael. "Henry V." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 5 Dec. 2016.


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