Sarah's amazing snow day By,sarah

One morning I woke up and to my supprise I saw a big white blizzard. I rushed down stairs and got my snow gear on then I went outside. As soon as I got outside I got barried in the white fluffy snow. After I wiggled my way out I went in my back yard to go sledding. It was so windy and white I could hardly see. When I finally got to the back yard I went sledding. It was such good sledding weather. I was having so much fun. The snow started to slow down but not enough that it would stop any time soon. It got really heavy and pack so I built a snowman. My snowman had a hat a carrot nose and two eyes mad with buttons and a scarf. 

After I was done my snowman I went inside to see if my sister wanted to come out she said yes. As soon as we got outside we had a snowball fight. We didn't know who won because we were not keeping track. After we were done our snowball fight we got on our sleds again. After we were done sledding we went inside to have some hot chocholate. But after we were done we went straight back outside. When we got back outside we made snow angels. I made a face on mine and Catherine made ahalow on hers. After snow angles we barried each other in the snow but not the face. After we shovelled the drive way it took absolutely for ever but we finally got it done. After we were done shovelling the drive way we went sledding again. We had a race up the hill Catherine won. After we went inside to make some chocolate chip cookie. After they were done baking in the oven we had some hot chocolate and had some cookies. They were the best cookies we ever had.

We took a lot of pictures of what we did that day and we made a scrap book after a day of snow it finally stopped

The end


Created with images by mrsdkrebs - "April Snow Day" • - "snowman" • David Leggett - "Cookies" • Hermann - "books education school"

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