What I did last weekend For Annique and Ryan

The hard part of a climb called Sympatico. Feels a bit like wrestling. Was a great day at Point Perpendicular.

Using my hand to jam into a crack so I can hang on - guess what they call the technique - jamming 😂

Climbing horizontally is called traversing.

My buddy Jason is "leading" which means he places the protection to stop himself falling and clips the rope to it before he climbs higher. I'm belaying, while enjoying the view.

Another mate Steve on a really hard climb.

Jason is belaying him, and they are sat the top of the sea cliff. Can you believe it's not man made. So straight.

Breakfast pie at Kangaroo Valley, baked beans, egg, bacon, cheese, and seriously yum.

Bircher for work

My friend Ilka-Maud (her nickname is Tinkerbell) and the dog is Mr T, they have moved back to Germany 🇩🇪

A thing I designed at work

I had to design a frame to hold the beam while they lift it.

Two chubby little monkeys - so cute. Makes me happy looking at you both. Love you so much.


Created with images by Leon Wilson - "Honeymoon Bay Jervis Bay"

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