Harn Museum of Art Dan Turk

Nancy Graves: II-06-94

Medium of the Art/ Technique of the Artist

Being a sculpture, it is obvious that the three dimensional aspects of this piece are only appreciable in person. This work is composed of a myriad of different materials, each of which signify something that is important to the artist. She put her entire life into this piece, and I can appreciate that kind of dedication. In reference to the good life, Graves' willingness to vest so much of herself in her art shows that she has found what truly matters to her and that satisfaction is vital to appreciating life to the fullest.

William Zorach: Hen

Design of the Museum

In the Harn museum, exhibits are arranged as they would be in any other museum, however, in this one, there were display cases placed directly in the centers of the walkways between exhibits. In fact, the above piece was in one of these cases, which is why I stumbled upon it. I believe I enjoyed the spaces between the exhibits even more than I appreciated the actual exhibits, because seeing where two types of art clash is quite interesting. This piece was created by a man who was Lithuanian and American. His tear between two cultures is represented and enhanced by the placement of his sculpture between two sections of the museum. It was these subtleties that nurtured my interest in continuing my tour of the museum.

Art and Core Values

This piece is rather unconventional in that it is essentially an advertisement or notice rather than a form of artistic expression. The creators are attempting to draw attention to the lack of attention minority women receive in the art world. I believe fully in the equality of opportunity, and seeing as this artwork highlights the absence of that value, I was comforted by the fact that this is being confronted and dealt with. The extension of this value to people not like me has helped me to understand the universality of this concept and others like it.

Stuart Robert Purser: Bicycles

Art and the Good Life

I chose this piece for the Art and the Good Life section because it depicts what, in my opinion, is the good life: doing what you love every day of your life. This is what embodying the good life is. This piece is a representation of everyday life. Coming from a man who devoted most of his work to combating social issues, this telegraphs a man who is at ease with his life and past. In other words, Purser is so comfortable that he relaxes and embodies what he wishes for all people, a life free from oppression and good, essentially the good life.

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