Doug's Golf a virtual golf game

This game is basically a virtual mini golf game. The object is to earn a score that is less than the 9 hole course's par, 30. These holes get increasingly more difficult from level 1 to 9. The user must simply click an area of the screen in the direction they want the ball sprite to travel (preferably towards the hole in most cases).

Now, you may be thinking, "hey golf is a boring sport, I don't want to play it in real life much less through a computer blah blah blah". Watch yourself though because I love golf and the point of this game is to help my main man Doug earn a scholarship. Doug is not particularly wealthy and his only chance of going to college is if he earns a golf scholarship. He is very nervous about his final deciding round though, and needs your mouse clicking magic to help him out. BE AWARE of the sand traps and water though!

Doug the golfer.
Hole number 9 on our course.

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