Electrical Engineer By: Haven oliver

What type of work do people in this career perform? From developing electrical systems to complex power generation, electrical engineers put technological advances in the hands of consumers. Those in this field work on small- and large-scale projects dealing with energy transmission. Electrical engineers design communication systems, test equipment and enhance existing electric systems in a variety of settings.

What is the current salary of this occupation? The median annual Electrical Engineer I salary is $65,636, as of December 28, 2016, with a range usually between $61,123-$71,105, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors. Our team of Certified Compensation Professionals has analyzed survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at companies of all sizes and industries to present this range of annual salaries for people with the job title Electrical Engineer I in the United State

What are the working conditions? Inside/Outside? Office/Plant/Lab? You may be located in a production plant, workshop, office, laboratory, factory,or on site, or possibly a mixture of several of these. Conditions may be hot, dusty or cramped.Although most electrical engineers work in comfortable offices.

What are the major job responsibilities? Evaluates electrical systems, products, components, and applications by designing and conducting research programs; applying knowledge of electricity and materials. Confirms system's and components' capabilities by designing testing methods; testing properties.

Is there a demand for this job in the future? Right now, and for the immediate future, the market is hot, and employers are snapping up graduates across ... "There is a shortage of electrical engineers and a growing demand."

What kind of education is needed for this type of work? Electronics engineers work with electrical systems and circuits to produce advanced ... The most common engineering degrees awarded are in mechanical, electrical, electronics and civil ... According to ABET, accreditation is required by many graduate schools, ... Electricity Engineer: Job Information & Requirements.


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