Tiger Football in Florida Memphis' first 24 hours in boca raton

From a chilly Memphis to a warm reception at the Palm Beach airport....The Tigers touched down to sunny skies and friendly faces from the Boca Raton Bowl Committee.
The Tigers home base in Boca Raton is at the PGA National Resort & Spa.
The hotel had a welcome party on tap for the Tigers (along with some snacks!).

After dinner, the team took advantage of the on-site game room or took advantage of the shuttles and went to downtown Palm Beach.

DeMarco Montgomery, pool shark?
Memphis started Saturday with a practice session at Oxbridge Academy, where the team started to acclimate to the temperature change.
Riley Ferguson talks with Memphis and local media after a tough practice in the Boca Raton heat.

After practice, the team hit the beach!

Josh Perry, Tye Northern and Tim Hart catching some Atlantic Ocean waves.
The special teams guys watching their teammates waterside.

The team capped the night with a movie and another free night to enjoy Boca Raton. Practice day two gets underway on Sunday morning.


Photos courtesy of the Boca Raton Bowl and the Memphis Athletics Communications Staff.

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