App Journal Humberto Davila A01570253

Lesson 1

These apps are very used and so popular due to their easy management and usage. The way you can comunicate your different thoughts and experiences makes of these apps something that you must want in your life. Gets you in contact with people far from you.

The apps that I use the most are: -Facebook -Youtube -Snapchat -Twitter -Instagram -Whatsapp -Clash Royale

Lesson 2

The Invented Storyteller.

Basically an app that invents up a story for you when you are bored, or ready to prepare for a sleep. The stories would be based on your feelings, the things you like, your age, etc... Basically tells up a story for you based on your configuration in the app.

Lesson 3

Whatsapp: This app is for all ages in the modern era, due to comunication features with families.

Youtube: This app is for all ages and genders as well, due to the knowledge and entertainment you can get from watching videos.

Spotify: Directed to both teenagers and adults, for them to listen music while driving or studying.

Uber: I think this app is more for teenagers and young adults who have complications on getting to different places due to their accesibility to transports.

Netflix: Directed to all the people who wants to watch their favorite movies or series, but dont have a TV in that precise moment.

8 Ball Pool: App created for pool lovers, who simply don't dispose of a pool table to play in their homes.

Waze: App designed for all drivers that don't the exact location of their destinations.

Bancomer Movil: App for those who dispose a Bancomer Account, for them to manage from their cellphones.

Microsoft Outlook: App for the people who like to work a lot, and for the people who need to get a work done and don't dispose of a computer in that certain moment.

Super Mario Run: This is an app for the people who like Mario games since childrens, and for those who are searching for an entertaining game to play.

Clash Royale: For the people who are searching for the best games out there in the store, and want an addicting game.

Lesson 4

Some apps that are in my opinion, easy to use, are Whatsapp and Snapchat. In whatsapp, you have an easy access to all your chats, and you can look for a specific chat quite easily. In snapchat you can also do so many things and access different menus in just one click.

On the other hand, Twitter is a more complex app to use, due to all the configuration menus and settings you can choose. There are also many restrictions that you can manage on some menus.

Lesson 5

This app I am thinking about, is designed for it to have a feature in which you can use all the different configuration settings for it to invent you a different sstory every day or night.

This app applies for your daily naps, or for the nights in which you can not sleep. This app will make feel in different moods depending on your configuration of the stories that the app will create

Lesson 6

My app will be like a talking book, it will provide different stories of several topics, which you can choose and mark as favorites.

Name: The Invented Storyteller

Problem: Helps you sleep when you have problems for doing it.

This app will help people get in their dreams easier, and have good sleeps for them to have energy the next day.

Lesson 7

This app can make use of the frontal camera, by having a face recognition and that way read your mind, and see in which mood are you. Also will have location features to see what other users in your local area are choosing as their favorite stories and also which stories are being shared with the community.

Lesson 8

Idea Storm

-Implement a mind reader to see the user's mood.

-Include in-app competences for the best story creators

-Share stories with your friends

-Link with your personal printer for you to print your favorite stories as a memory.

-Voice options where you can change the gender and the tone of the narrator's voice.

Lesson 9

There are some apps that offer a daily free and new app for you to download and test. My app has a similar feature, but with stories. This app will give you a daily story and maybe some bonus motivational fragments for you to start a new game in a fresh and renovated mood.

At the beginning of the app, you will learn the basic and entertaining features as you go, and learning all the configuration methods for the best stories for your person.

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Created By
Humberto Davila


Created with images by arivera - "whatsapp icon app" • domeckopol - "forest light mood" • DGlodowska - "book reading love story"

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